<!-- ===========================================================

    scan(profile) (Wanda SCAN Modeling Language)
    author: Stefan Giesler <st.giesler@t-online.de>
    edited by: Isabelle Guyon <isabelle@clopinet.com>
    Grouped attlist args in one attlist.
    Changed some default values.
    Changed <info> to <meta> and put it under root element.
    Added email in <meta>.
    institution: Giesler Software Entwicklung
    version: 1.0
    created: 2003-03-10-00-00
    modified: 2003-04-11-09-00
 =========================================================== -->
<!ENTITY % orient "portait | landscape" >
<!ENTITY % side "frontside | backside | bothsides" >
<!ENTITY % feed "flatbed | feeder | other" >
<!ENTITY % size "A6 | A5 | A4 | A3" >
<!ENTITY % camera "frontside | backside" >
<!ENTITY % colors "bitonal | gray | rgb24 | rgb36" >
<!ENTITY % rotate "none | left | centre | right" >
<!ENTITY % compress "none | faxg3 | faxg4 | jpeg" >
<!ENTITY % xsection "none | left | right | user" >
<!ENTITY % ysection "none | top | bottom | user" >
<!-- ======================================================= -->
<!ELEMENT scan (scanner?, image+, meta?) > <!-- root tag -->

 <!-- name of the scan profile -->
<!ATTLIST scan name CDATA #REQUIRED >                                            

<!-- ======================================================= -->
<!ELEMENT scanner EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST scanner 
    driver CDATA "driverName"   
    feeder (%feed;) "flatbed" 
    pages (%side;) "frontside"  
    orientation (%orient;) "portait"    
    format (%size;) "A4" >  

<!-- ======================================================= -->
<!ELEMENT image (lcms) >
<!ATTLIST image 
    name CDATA #REQUIRED    
    filename CDATA #REQUIRED
    camera (%camera;) "frontside"
    colors (%colors;) "rgb24"
    rotate (%rotate;) "none"
    compress (%compress;) "none"
    quality CDATA "100"
    xresolution CDATA "100"
    yresolution CDATA "100"
    xpixels CDATA "0"
    ypixels CDATA "0"
    xsection (%xsection;) "none"
    xsecsize CDATA "0"
    xseccoord CDATA "0"
    ysection (%ysection;) "none"
    ysecsize CDATA "0"
    yseccoord CDATA "0">                            

<!-- ======================================================= -->
<!-- little color management system -->
<!ELEMENT lcms EMPTY>                                                                        

<!ATTLIST lcms 
    inProfile CDATA #REQUIRED
    outProfile CDATA #REQUIRED
    outColor CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!-- ======================================================= -->
<!ATTLIST meta 
    author CDATA "anonymous"
    email CDATA "anonymous@somewhere.abc"
    institution CDATA "anywhere"
    version CDATA "00.00"
    created CDATA "YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss"
    modified CDATA "YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss">