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Description/main competitive advantage claimed by the company

Architext       NLS, Boolean and SQL queries. Automatic abstracting.
                Distributed database model. Automatic subject 
                grouping. Small index overhead.
Fulcrum         NLS, Boolean and SQL queries. Couples with relational
                databases.  Multinode server searching.
Oracle          Couples with Oracle relational databases and their search
                engines and other Oracle tools. NLS and SQL queries.
                Query-by-theme. Master index. API. 
PLS             Specialist of text retrieval. Almost any feature, including
                distributed database model.
                Unclear whether it can couple with relational databases.
TRW-search      Manages other search engines and databases (not a search
                engine itself). Provides a unified interface. 
                Virtual databases. 
Verity          Topic agents. Query by example.
                Integrated with netscape server.
                Unclear whether it can couple with relational databases.
WAIS            Search engine incorporated into its own server. Web interfaces
                exist. NLS mixed with boolean queries. Relevance feedback. 
                Server on UNIX, but clients anywhere. 
                Many binary format filters available.
                Unclear whether it can couple with relational databases.

Isabelle Guyon
Tue Nov 14 15:02:35 EST 1995